Hello from the bushfires + Cobargo Preschool Bushfire Healing Fund

Almost half the children of Cobargo Preschool lost their homes in the devastating NYE bushfires on the far south coast. The bushfires burnt through our community (including our own family farm) and here’s how you can help the children of our region through this big time.

Cobargo Preschool Bushfire Healing Fund

Happy 2020 to you! We’ve had an unexpected start to the year with our farm here on the far south coast burning out in the NYE bushfires. We lost sheds, tank, tractor, garlic crop, a few family treasures in storage, most of my CDs, fences etc but I’m so happy to report our home and animals miraculously survived! We feel so grateful for that.


 “(Above) our neighbour took this pic of our farm on fire a few hours after the front went through on NYE 2019/2020 (below) me taking in our blackened landscape a few days after the fire”


Sadly, there are so many in our small community who were not so lucky and my heart breaks for those who have lost so much more. We now live in a sea of stories – in the post office, supermarket, forest, everywhere – both inspiring and tragic tales of bravery, kindness, generosity and raw human spirit.

Now, with the big rains finally blessing our valley, hopefully extinguishing the mega fires and smoke we’ve been anxiously living with these past 6 weeks, we can at last step into the recovery phase from this natural disaster.

Many of you have asked how you can help and I have an idea you might be interested in.


 “(above) new leaves bursting out of a charred trunk (below) Dusty & Mimi tasting the green shoots”


I’ve been singing and telling stories at Cobargo Preschool every season since I arrived on the far south coast three and half years ago. Almost half the children lost their homes in the bushfires and every single one of them have suffered trauma. Thankfully the Cobargo Preschool building was saved and is now offering much love, support, rhythm and security to these children, but they’ve lost much of their beautiful outdoor gardens and play spaces (pictured below).

I’d love your help in raising funds to restore these magical play spaces as well as provide the Cobargo Preschool Director, the wonderful Christine McKnight, the funds for therapeutic workshops, activities and resources needed to support the children in their healing.


 “(above) the beautiful outdoor music space at Cobargo Preschool that was badly damaged in the bushfires”

I’d also like to gift every child in the preschool, and hopefully the wider community of bushfire-affected children too, with a set of my CDs to help fill their daily home lives with nourishing stories and songs.

So, I’m wondering if you’re able to help these children, as well as my own family, by purchasing Tales and Songs CD Gifts for the children of Cobargo & surrounds? As well as receiving the CDs themselves, of every dollar you spend, half will go directly to the Cobargo Preschool Bushfire Healing Fund. I have around 200 Tales & Songs 5 CD Bundles left after losing the majority of my stock in the bushfires, so we could potentially raise $7000 for The Fund while also helping me recover this part of my business.


 “(above) our farm 6 weeks after the fire and big rains (below) welcome baby Fern! Myrtle’s baby calf arrived with the welcome rains…new beginnings on the farm”


I’ve setup donation options ($18, $50 and $70) on my website here and please don’t forget to fill in the ‘order notes’ section of your donated order with a personal message for the children… I know they’ll love to hear from you!

Thank you so much for your support, kindness and generosity for our brave community. I’ll keep you updated as the project unfolds. xx Annie


 I’m a storyteller & musician currently living on the far south coast of Australia. I love sharing my nature-inspired stories and songs for children in the Storytent and on The Seasonal Collection recordings as well as my new album, Listen to the Land. You can have a listen to my audio stories and songs below or click here to find out more.   

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